The works of the DUCKOMENTA | Room 2

"Ancient Greece"

1. Bust of Pericles

2. A lover discovered

3. Vase

4. Small Choen jugs

5. Gun runner

6. Agamemdux' golden mask

7. Trojan duck

"Ancient Rome"

1. Hannibal's elephant

2. Roman coins

3. Oil lamp

4. A bust of Caesar

5. Roman votive foot

6. Little wine thief

7. Capitoline Plutonia

Deutsches Schloss- und Beschläge-Museum, Velbert : 11.10.2024 – 06.04.2025

DUCKOMENTA Museum, Wittstock, Amtshaus Alte Bischofsburg : ab 16.03.2024

Focke Museum, Bremen : 14.12.2024 – 13.04.2025
